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Manitoba, Canada

"My name is Amy Everett. Marie & I met through the amazing resource of social media. I witnessed & followed her incredible journey to Uganda. Watched her beautiful connection with the children & community there. I was very touched where her heart was for this community. She shared how she connected to this community through meeting Peter & she shared what she envisioned for this community & how she wanted to help connected them to resources to empower themselves. Inspired, I wanted to help in someway too. I realized that I had an amazing tool & resource partnered with Tranont to connect Marie to a sustainable & longterm income to use toward her mission. I shared my idea & my way of service to create funds for Uganda. And with that Marie saw the vision too and we partnered together. Already we have built one business line for her & are excited about completing this for her to receive the prosperity from this business platform."


New Brunswick, Canada


''My son and I love to help these kids because it fills our heart to see their beautiful smiles. We were very happy to contribute for food and school fees allowing the kids to go back to school. My son Lincoln was also touched by these kids and wanted to give them a treat ;) When Marie was in Uganda around christmas 2022, Lincoln sent a donation and they got the kids a big Cake. We also did a video call to share that beautiful moment together. We were both very happy and touched. We will always feel proud to support the children of Heart To Hand institute.''



Quebec, Canada

"I wish to support Heart to Hand institute because it's a beautiful and humble project with an incredible beginning. Created by two incredible people who just want to help these kids have a better life. I am honored to be a part of this mission."



Quebec, Canada

"L'avenir de notre planète repose sur les épaules de nos enfants. Pour pouvoir parvenir à un futur meilleure, prospère et en santé, il est primordiale que tous les êtres humains de cette terre soit traités de façon juste et équitable. L'éducation et la santé sont la clé d'un avenir sain pour nos enfants. C'est pourquoi je suis fier d'appuyer la fondation Heart to Hand Institute qui permet à plusieurs enfants de Mityana en Ouganda de leur offrir un milieu de vie remplit d'amour afin de combler leurs besoins en santé et en éducation, dans la joie et la fraternité afin que tous vivent d'un avenir meilleure."


Quebec, Canada


''All children should have safe food ,water and environment. Only people like Marie, from Heart to Hand and others like her, can make this goal be achieved.''


Quebec, Canada


"Bonjour, je m'appelle Steve et j'ai 49 ans. J'habite au Canada dans la province du Québec ou nous sommes 8 millions de francophone. Je suis infirmier dans un hôpital et donc la santé est au coeur de mes préoccupations. N'ayant pas d'enfant moi-même, j'étais désireux d'aider des enfants à s'épanouir par le biais de la promotion de la santé et de l'éducation. J'ai vu par l'entremise de: heart to hand institute, que les enfants sont entre bonnes mains. Nos enfants constituent l'avenir du monde et j'ai donc décider d'y contribuer. Merci du geste humanitaire."


Quebec, Canada


"Having myself spent a whole part of my life working in South America and Africa, I witnessed what struggling means in these parts of the world. I am proud to see that my daughter Marie and her partner Peter have that heart of helping those in need, especially orphan children. I am always happy to contribute to elevating the kids life and give them a better chance at life."


North Carolina, USA


"I wanted to support the kids in need because the blessings that I have are a privilege! We live in a country of freedom where we have the ability to choose and I know not everyone is in the same situation. This is a great way I can give back to those less fortunate and give kids a chance to really make a difference in the world."


Quebec, Canada


"When Marie told me about her mission of helping orphaned children that Peter was taking care of, I immediately wanted to offer my support. The work they are doing to provide the necessary support to these kids, plus all the love they pour onto them, will be life changing for them. It doesn't take much to make a big difference in someone's life, especially children.  Even small gesture can make the whole difference. I am really happy to be part of this mission and participate in creating a better future for these kids!"



Quebec, Canada


England, UK


"By supporting HTH Institute, I have had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the immense care and joy that Peter and Marie bring to the lives of these children. It makes me so happy to know that my contribution plays a part in their development, uplifting their spirits, and expanding their opportunities. Peter and Marie are truly dedicated to creating a nurturing environment where these children can heal, grow, and thrive. With the collective support of others, I firmly believe that we can provide these children with a genuine chance at a much brighter future."


Quebec, Canada

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"What I truly love and value about Heart to Hand Institute project is that it is not only about making the kids survive but rather allowing them to thrive, to have faith and dreams and letting them know that despite all the hard things they've been through at such a young age, they are seen and they matter. I feel very grateful to contribute to this caring and supportive mission, knowing how much of a life changer it can be for the children and their community."










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